Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend at Gopeng~~!!! ---->D2

2nd day..amy told us last nite to get ready by 8..coz the brakefast is served around 8 then after that tros shoot for caving..huhu..but m soo dem tired smlm so i woke up around 8.10 cm tuh..hahaha..bgn2 je look around da kosong..everyone da pack..lawak gle..clear je..ony me my sis n ita je slamber meleset2 lg..ahahahaha..m da last one who woke up that beza gle okeh g ngan dak2 outdooer and g ngan dak2 biasa..ahahaha..lawak gle..klu g ngan dak2 outdoor mmg if brakefast kol 8, jawabnyer kol 8 bru nk g kali nie kol 8 smua da Xda..da siap tngu mknan..mmg lawak nk mati..v all siap glak2 kat as tuh smbil bru nk kemas2..hahaha..mmg on time tol mreka nie..

so after brakefast v all siap2 nk g caving..hav to drive there..kaklong Xmasuk coz cikot dun wanna go in..mmg me oso dun wan kot..i hate the part yg kene turun tnga curam tuh..iskh..gigil kpala lutut okeh..benci gle..but my sis ask me to go in jugak2..kene la dgr ckp most of them r my frens sib baik ada budak2 sengal..guide2 raft tuh..ahahaha..tuh lega sikit..diorg sgt sewel to da max..hahahaha..
us all..yg nk masuk caving..xcept azran..nyeboks je nk posing sama..tah paper tah..time nie sebok cri battry dlm water tah mana ilang plk..

muke sedih coz this is our last xtivity..after this we're going back home..sob..sob..sob..

the kabils..
dak dons..

muke2 xcited..xcept yg baju hijau tuh..seboks je..bkn nk masuk hav to mood at i feel like shitting that time..haiooohh...

pose..pose.. ;p

the view point..dun feel like looking down..wahahahahhaa..silap la..Xpat la kot..time ni da gigil da kaki..waahah..even this is the 2nd time me went inside..still feel turun last wif the guides..hahaha..but this time Xpenat lngsung naik tngga2 batu cave tuh..ahahaha..rasa biasa je.. ;p
baju adi nie..ahaha..abis baju kamu dilanyak masuk gua adi oy..tuh la..sapa suh bg wrna da diguna kn tuk masuk2 gua..muahahahahahahahahahahah..soli la yer.. ;p

yap..da smpi..huhuhu...benci..the air sg oso cetek inside here..last time dlm kot..nie mmg cetek abis..kuar2 je tros amy n the guides ajak rafting..n it was raining that v all tros ckp yes..sure2 rapid mengila..ahahahahaha..sapa ciki dd azran tedd n ita je la..the rest car je balik..another car g melepaks2 kt cameron..huhu..i was so hapi coz amy ajk raft lg skali..hahaha..yossshhhh...v raft around 4.30..

while waiting for amy..huhu..air da deras..tgk kaler die..teh susu kot..ahahahaha..xcited ppl..

v wait lama gak la..siap main cong thai ti lg..aaahaha..ponatss...amy got another client that time..tuh kene saba mnanti..tkt tedd penat je..but he looks like he so wanted to raft again..n he didint mind going back aper lg..raft la kami..huhu

v went to mygopeng resort around 4..naik lori..but this time v naik atas raft ats bes nk mampos..gayat gle i was so cuak juak at first..hahahaha..rugi that time v edy pack our cam inside the water bag.ceyh..if not cm brgmbar..hahaha..

smpi2 je i was so cuak..tetibe i feel like not going for la..rapid mngila kot..grade 4-5 kot..ahahaha..cuak nk mati okeh..amy tros susun satu raft 2 guide..dpn blakang..mmg kot..jantung that time pumping xtra fast..ahahaha..our raft siap kene sedut at the double cuak..coz if mmg termasuk v all sure stuck bawah raft at the double dacker..fuh..mmg keje gle gak v all..ahahahaha..dd siap jatuh lg..but luckily her raft Xkene she jatuh oso fine je la like me last time jatuh in dec..but if my raft time nie jatuh, mmg compom la kami trsekat..huhu..jai jatuh however..but he's one of the guide..relex je die..ahahaha..

me jatuh lter after double dacker..dunno what they call that place..but i call it batu besar..ahahaha..blh lak fell n stuck under the raft..more than 5 sec gak la..i was trying to swim to the surface but then trasa theres sumthing on my head..then pegang2, rupe nyer the i let the paddle go n i "feel the water" (wahaha..ayat amy)..then me pn hanyut under the raft..hikshiks..the key is to relex..but muke2 yg lain cuak je "oke ker??oke ker??hang oke tak??" okeh ler..ahaha..siap leh sengih lg..ahahaha..this time they siap baling trow bag..coz rapid mengila kn..last time me jatuh kt double dacker Xgne pn trow dok body raft smbil hold on to the rope..bes gle..then botak ask me to stan on this one rock..n wait for me raft..after my raft come close he ask me to jump in..mmg bes gle..rasa cm buat aksi stun..smua org glak gle kot..ahahahahaha..mmg bes..ITS ALL WORTH IT~~!!! after that they start teaching me how to b a guide..n kecik jd our guide smpi kt jatty..he's ony 13 yrs kn..terrer gle..

muke2 xcited..hahahaha..bes melampau..ted n ita was soo teruja depa..n we're hapi that they had fun..hehehe..still..cikot didngt fell inside the water..haiooh..bencis..

yer..guide2 yg sengal..

after v reach murni camp, v all mandi manda n siap2 wanna go eat dinner wif all the guides..huhu..then makan brsama2 depa..mmg sewel cm sakai tol dak2 tuh..sakit gle prot..cramp je asik glak..then went back around 9.30pm..btw..thats guide that kan die nie..bdn je kecik..hahaha..i tot he's like std 5..rupe nyer form 1..haiooh..dasyat tol..

v had fun today..n hoping that me cn go raft again nxt time..pray that i hav free time to go again whenever i want..hahaha..bes the way..for more pix just hav a look at me facebook..n theres some videos oso..sinie mls nk upload byk2..ahaha ;p

p/s : who wants to try rafting meh la..just let me kno..n ill try to arrange yer..hikshikshiks..


  1. oren bestnye.....nk itut...aku tau kau mesti bengang gle ngan aku.....mesti pasni kau dh x nak ajak aku g mane2....sowie oren...

  2. haruskah aku menjeleskan diri?
    eh..nape aku xble bkk blog ko pki blog aku nye eml ek?
    dh invite kn?
