Tuesday, November 16, 2010


sometimes you have to be apart to know you belong together

preparing the teaching file was tiring okeh..i need to prepare 5 teaching file (1 for each subject that i teach the previous sem) and the report must not be less than 500 pages each..wowiee..sungguh menarik kn?so mari kite hitung brapa page kah report2 yg prlu saya sediakn yer??yer!!tpt skali..2.5k pages..so far i ony finish doing 2 and i have another 3 to b done by this friday..maka sok akan saya ke kerja!!!

n what would u feel apabila ada sejenis makhluk nie dok cite2 pasal gf die then he said "org nk gak die..org Xkire..org mmg tekad nk die..nk kawin gak ngan die cm ne jahat pn die..org doa dah org nk tngung dosa die..bia org tngung smua dosa die..n org mmg tau..kte mmg Xkn dpt apa yg kte doa..mmg org nk yg lebih baik tp org tau Tuhan Xkn bg..mmg tuhan xkn bg apa kte nk..Tuhan mmg akan bg apa yg kte Xnk tuh..mmg Tuhan Xkn bg apa yg kte nk..org dah buat istikharah dah..mmg die..mmg die..sbb tiap kali pas smayang je cicak bunyi..so mmg berat ke die"

smbil teresak2 menagis..

ada gak yg nk kene LEMPANG free2 nie..Xtau lak blh tngung2 dosa org sesuke hati cm tuh je..ewah..pelik..n kte is reffer to kita which means kite smua..so yg die dok ckp apa kte minta mmg tuhan Xkn bg tuh agak meminta di terajang okeh..sapa kate Xdpt apa kte mntk?kte dpt kot apa kite mintk..cume some of bnda yg kte mintk kte xske tp bnda tuh sbnarnyer terbaik tuk kte n soon on ltr kte seda yg bnda tuh baik wlu kte Xske at 1st..mmg panasss je ngan mamat seko nie..pastuh cicak bunyi..eh ko gile ke apa weyh??cicak??cicak tuh musuh nabi weyh!!!!..tau tak klu bunuh cicak tuh dpt pahala..ehhhhhh..apa kes mamat nie??mazhab mana weyh??mmbawa aura yg cukup tidak senang dlm bilik ini!!!

then after that he say that he was fasting..7 days..so pas pose nie insyallah lebih tenang n nmpk jalan lebih terang weather to choose this gal o not to..tp pas dah bis cite he go n tell stories bout si nun la si nin la..si nan la..i mean crite2 buruk la.."eleh..saya tau prangan ppn tuh..dah penah dah kua ngan die tgh2 mlm lg" haah..time kasihlah..i know all of them n u go n tell those stories..bijak..tgh pose kata nyer tp mulut rajin nk kutuk2 org lain kn?sib la tiap2 mingu u ask me out n nvr once i say "yes" or "mayb nxt time"..hahaha..i just say NO!!herghhh..ppl like this sungguh menjijik kn prangai okeh..

p/s: sok nk sosping ngan my 2 princess ;)

Friday, November 12, 2010


Dear all,

Please be informed that subjects listed below are requested for replacement examination.
1) BEA301 Automotive Chasis System 2
2) DEA204 Automotive Transmission System
3) BMT101 Materials Science

Pls kindly submit the final exam paper only (not need to submit marking scheme) to me before 23/11/10.


Annie Yap

mmg laha sungguh!!!!!ha hamik..kn dah kene carot free2..what u think u cn pass??dah la u nvr bother to even show ur face during class..dah nk mintk replacement nvr occure to come n c me..tros g ke xm unit..ha..nasib kamu..JANGAN HARAP LA DPT PASS!!!!u think i dunno ppl like u?yes..m lenient n baik n dun giv a shit in class..but klu dah nyusahkn tuh..mmg meminte di FAILkn..if u hav reason u would hav come n c me but i guess u think ur genius enough..fine..besedia lah!!!u want to do replacement final xm so it means ur ready to fail this ppr..mmg SYAITON..baru nk rehat..haram jadah tol la..nk buat 1 ppr bkn 2-3 hari..it took me like more than 7 days kot nk siapkn 1 ppr!!!!is not like i dun hav any other work to do da la m burried wif other work..mmg siot tol la budak nie!!!

dah la nk kua muvi2 ngan besties nie..spoil mud je!!!!then si giant plk blh berloya buruk..

MO: perghhh x ajak siottt

AK: muvie kol 9++..jom!
MO: mak aiiii.. katne2??
kt mv le..mana lg..tgh2 anta tpt2 keje kami..damansara pj n bangi..nk join muvi tak nie?
MO: xmola, mv jaoh sgt dr ofis aku. kalo aku gerak lpas ofis hour, mungkn smpai sane pkol 3 pagi kot
perumpamaan yg meminta disuapkn kasut size 5 kedlm mulut!!!

once he said that
"td cousin aku col..ckp die bru dpt baby boy..pastuh 5 mins ago die col die ckp anak die dah masuk U"

nie lah perumpamaan2 die klu stress stuck dlm jam..mmg meminta di tmpar tmpar lelaju!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


sometimes we must go up to know we belong on the groundmuhammad izz rayyan bin muhammad razif

despite the limited time i have for this past 4 weeks, i manage to go visit rayyan 10 hrs after he was born..yay!!!sungguh hensem, comel, bijak n merah!!!hahaha..even tho its ony for a while..i feel so happy n relief when i c him..that nite i cant sleep properly knowing my bff is in the labor room n everything..nvr tot that i would b so restless..wonder how is it gonna b when didot time comes..lg kejang otak nie kot..

i was msging my bff's cousin every 30 mins..didnt sleep the whole nite..nxt day lak hav to work early in the morning..haha..i was lying on my bed but my eyes r still wide open..seriously Xtenang..haha..over nk mmpos!!! anyway m happy that everything went well..

i hav to go visit them again soon..munie ask me to pass something to my sister..not sure what but she said "it helps during the contraction" baiklah!! m hoping that i cn go 2mro..coz 2mro i wanna go shopping..rasa nyer da 7 tahun Xbershopping..wahahahah..

finally after a month, keje2 mark distribution selesai..hohohoho..lega sudah..wlupn bratur training2 that i need to attend but at least keje2 admin dah kurang..alhamdulillah! all i wanna do this weekend is stay at home n SLEEP all i cn..setahun rasa nyer Xtdo dgn tenang..i sleep whenever i cn n where ever i cn..

earlier this week i was so bz that i needed to use 2 computer to do my work..so use the office lappy n my desk top..smpi smua masuk n say "hey..u nie nk buat keje2 hacking ke apa?" hohoho..nvr in my life i imagine using 2 computer at the same time for work..berangan ala2 org kunon2 bz-poyo ada la..tp Xbajet smpi 2-3 hari cm tuh..hahaha..cool gak..n thanx to my roomates (wlupn ada plywood sbg dinding yg memisahkn kte spt bilik tp no need to bgn coz cn talk from our place i still call u ppl my roomate..haha) coz u ppl motivate me..v actually motivate each other coz v all kno that we're in the DARK era..wahahah..time kasih!!!lap u ppl!!!

what ive been doing for the past 4 weeks? marking the pprs, attend SBE meeting where all the lect in the department need to discus bout certain student..do v really hav to fail them?o v should increase their CAM in order to let them pass since its their 10th 11th or 12th sem..fuhh..the first 2 weeks i still cn handle coz i ony do the marking work n fill up the student assesment form n i hav 70 student n 5 subject to juggle with plus i need to do the same thing for the part timers..mmg shit but still cn handle..what starts to shake me is during the meeting..perh..mengigil bengang..u hav to add ".." amount of marks to "..." student just coz its his (my student r all male) last sem..rather than giving them those marks baik bg to those who deserve it kn?sumpah..Xdeserve langsung diorg nie..dah la smua suap (alasan coz they're diploma student) fine la..but y others cn but korg2 yg 2-3 ketol nie nyusahkn?fuhh..sakit hati je plis..

today xm unit r going to finalize all the marks n i think my work relating to students marks distribution r finally done..so lega sudah..berbalik kpd time2 mkn cadbury smbil read manga sambil study smbil do some documentation smbil prepare teaching material smbil do the teaching file for the subjects that i teach last sem..yay!!!

p/s: i manage to hav lunch wif that pragnant lady last thursday..hahaha..things r finally falling into place again ;)