inside the kurnia bistari bus..ahaha..setelah lega dr ketakutan kene marah from salina..
the bus driver drives like mad..tkt X reti tekan the brake paddle je..ahaha..da ler ikot jln lama..ces..after v reach the tanah rata bus station, the hotel pick up is oledy there..ehehe..padahal hotel tuh like 1 min walk from the bust station..ahaha..tah paper je..v check in n pay tros..then go to our salina nik n piah in the quad room while nana nadia n dik no in the triple v all siap2 for our first tour today..ehehe..cant wait..
while walking to the tour place..v wait for the bus here..theres other ppl will b joining us so naik bus..ehehe.. our 1st stop is the buterfly farm..not ony butterfly but theres other insect n reptilians..roses n cactus..
BOH means the 'B'est 'O'f 'H'ighlands tea plantation in sg.palas..its getting dark n hujan renyai2..ehehe..super sejuk this time..cannot handle..
so v shop for some tea which v can actually get from kl..tah paper tah..,ahahah..saje la tuh nk habis kn duit cm anak jutawan smua..ahahaha..
our next stop is the rose valley..i like it here..sangat bes..the roses so cantik2..ehehe..
then v went to the bee farm..this i where nadia spent most of her money..ahahaha...n the reason y she spend more than any of us..ahaha..klaka gle ble teringat..then v went to the market..there i borong the strawberry senang nk need to risau lebam2..ehehe..i bought 10 box..ahaha..nk bg rama nie..ehehehe..
our last stop of the day is the tample..what a nice tample on top of the nice..i just luv the view from up here..n the tample so cantik..ehehe..
went back to the hotel n v all bermandi manda..they all go back to the hotel b4 me n salina coz v went n fine somewhere that v can eat steamboat for dinner....bes coz sejuk2 makan panas2 mmg super sejuk..X tahan..balik mandi n solat then siap to go for dinner..v found this place infront of the hotel..sangat mura n sangat melambak..v ony order 2 set n the 7 of us eat cm nk pecah perot..sangat banyak..luckily v didnt order 7 sets..ahahaha..if not mmg pembaziran yg melampau la..
while putting everything inside the boiling sup..
us eating ngan semangat nyer..nana took this pix coz shes the ony one who go n eat chicken chop instead of steamboat..but still after that she eat jugak the steam boat..ahahaha..super cold this time..theres smoke cmming out from our mouth while we're talking..huhu..sangat sejuk..cannot handdle..
after that v hav a walk around the tanah rata town..go n buy some stuff an took out more money..tuh la..blanja like anak raja there..ahahax seda n salina bought new pair of slipars..padahal da ada..saja gatal...ahahaha..tah paper jer..
nadia punye la ask salaina to hold on to her wallet just in case..she dun wanna spend anything anymore..ahaha..konon la sangat..last2 she go n buy shirts..ampes tol..nik oso bought some shirts n dikno oso..huhu..
then after v shop some stuff v went n hav cofee / hot choc/ green tea at the tanah rata starbucks..huhu..nik n nana play chess while the rest of us just hav a chat n X cukup mkn je..but at least me n other just wanna hav cakes o scone o muffin but salina..she wanted lasagne..ahaha..sib baik starbucks X da..ahaha..lawak gle..then v went back to the hotel around 12++ nearly 1 la..they sambung main uno but i went to sleep..ahahaha..sangat mengantok..cant sleep in the bus..cant wait for the next day..adventure trippin..ahaha..activity panjat memanjat..
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