Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What made me cry

Yesterday, I was impressed and touched by the actions of my neighbor’s 13-year-old-boy. He was home alone when the earthquake hit. But instead of hiding, as soon as the earthquake quieted down, he jumped on his bicycle and road around the block repeatedly shouting at the top of his voice, “Is everyone alright? Is everyone okay?” At the time, there were only women and children and the elderly in the homes. I cannot describe how comforting it was just to hear a strong voice asking if I was okay. Thank you!

This is being tweet by this boys neighbor..13 yo ppl..they r so patient and amazing..bkn cm malaysian..especially on the road or time queuing..sungguh Xsaba..yesterday i saw in the newspaper a picture of places that had been struck by the earth quake and tsunami in Japan, and this one picture actually moves me..a picture of Japanese people queuing patiently for the clean water supply..sumpah its a really2 long line..and the caption says that everyone took just enough water for themselves..Xda org pn yg jaga line tuh..

if kt msia..mak oih,.nk naik lrt ptg2 pn nk kene ada polis bantuan jaga kn..sbb bangsa msia smua nye Xberakhlak..tolak pijak org depa xkisah asalkn dpt naik train cpt..lg satu..kt jalan raya..lg la Xberadab semua nye..seriously rasa nk pukul je..pantang je smua..nk laju..Xsaba..nk terberanak kot depa ni..dunno what they rush for..dah la tuh smua nye kreta baru (biasa nye la)..plat pn compom milage Xsmpi 1000km me la kn..they r all stupid..kreta baru kot..mana leh lenjan lebih 100km b4 the first service..biasa nye org tak tau mmg slamber nk bantai lelaju..ha sile..nk2 kalau kreta anda kreta auto..lg la silekn..kunon macho bangga abis la tuh kreta baru pastu pecot smpi 180..tau nk high beam segala rakyat atas jln raya tu..padahal what u ppl did was shorten the life of ur car engine n oso the transmission for that i would like to congratulate u ppl!

ada jugak yg tgh q for drive tru at McD then ada kreta nk kluar parking, apa salah nye bg kreta tuh Xbg smpi sudah..awk tuh tgh tngu nk drive tuh nk kluar parking bkn nk potong q awk..die dah abis mkn dah effect pn klu awk bg die lalu dlu..bkn blh gerak pn..still kene tngu kreta dpn..then nk order baya then baru dpt mkn..slow2 gerak..adoi..sakit otak org2 cm ni..

ada jugak yg belagak..ckp "ahhh..stress la ngan kreta dpn ni..kreta je drive cm sipot!" well..adakah kreta gempak/mewah tu tujuan die tuk drive cm pelesit?cube la saba sikit..klu dah tau nk cpt len kali kuar awl2..tuh baru pki kreta common je dah hilang pertimbangan..blom lg ada Bugatti Veyron ke..if ada tah mcm mana la agaknye..apalah mentality cm ni skali..sungguh typical! org2 kt Australia pn drive less than 100km/h..sangat colleague once told me that for the duration of 6 yrs he studied in Japan, never once he saw an accident..this is because they r being thought since little that vehicles are tools that can kill just like a for means ego, power, macho, coolness..haah la sgt kn?tuh sbb nye tiap hari ada xcident yer..if Xaccident tuh namanya Xsah..